Taking a chisel for a walk with non linear expressions between the cambium layers of wood grain.
Group carving classes, working alongside indigenous tribes and their youth, bridging the symbols and hands on expression invoking inner depth in spirit and in wood. As a woodcarver coming from an Oceanic lineage, these classes provide an adjunct to prompt the inner creative to connect to their own dialogue and begin walking the chisel forward with flexibility and inspirational whimsy.
Focusing on translating symbols which draw from ancestral stories and weaving them into tactile future memories as wooden touchstones and legacy stewards.
Working with left over wine barrels from the surrounding vineyards in Sonoma County, CA and within a small group of participants, These carving experiences provide the ability to formulate a personal ethos into story boards and translate them into 360 degree wooden oak canvases. These group offerings create a safe place for creatives to find their inner expression from the deep cambium layers which reside in wood and humans alike.

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